Wednesday, April 25, 2007

More Extra-Credit

The Asian Pacific American Coalition is having it's last "Seen and Heard" event. This will focus on taboos within the Asian American community such as mental health issues, rape, STDs/STIs, and many others.

When: Thursday April 26
Time: 7pm
Where: Illini Union Room 314A

Thanks to Carol Khou!


Late notice I know but it's the end of the year and therefore the end of all activities! I've found you one last opportunity for Extra-Credit:

Larry Emerson is giving a talk. It takes place:
Thursday - 4PM - 180 Bevier Hall and
Friday - 4 PM - Anita Purves Nature Center

If you know of any other events please email me and let me know - I might add them to the extra-credit round-up.

Journal Assignment 6

Hey everybody,

So since we're a day late on this assignment it's smaller. Last week's dialogue was a tremendous example of real-world employment of the questioning technique, analysis, and dialogue method, Andre and I both felt the class was superb.

For your journals we'd like you to identify a specific relational dynamic in your life (say a friend or group of friends, family, a class, significant other or ex-significant other, authority figure, etc...) where you feel dialogue could help the relationship. Once you've thought of a group, take a moment to self-reflect about your feelings in regards to this group (points of contention, ways you compliment one another, power differences, etc...) and conjure up a series of questions that you'd like to ask the other person to better understand their perspective and improve relations between each other.

Don't just be vague and be like "I hate my dad and so I'd ask him why he's such an ass" - use your skills from dialogue - think about your positionality (self-reflect), your relationship to them (interpersonal rapport, history), and what you don't understand about them. Try to perspective take to aid you in your question design (aka word questions in a context that would make sense to them). Think about clarification questions and dialogue deepening questions! Give at least 3 really good questions you'd like to ask them and the thought pattern that leads you two them.

I know that's a lot of explaining for a pretty short simple assignment, but I wanted to make sure I was clear. Let us know if you have questions!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Journal 5

Hey guys, sorry about the late post, I'm still waiting on readings from the higher-ups. In the meantime:

Part one:
Remember the question generation activity we did in class (clarifying questions and questions that deepen the issue/bring more people to be involved)? Yeah, think about that and tell us what kind of questions could someone ask in response to these two statements:
1) The Chief is Racist.
2) The BOT was wrong to retire the Chief.

Part two:
Free-write on how they felt last class went - specifically the messages sent, impact of interactions between each other, and how you felt dialogue was or was not used in the space.

Readings to follow soon!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Readings this week!

Start with these:

Take a look at the STOP Coalitition site:

And some of the endless series of DI articles:
The DI website search results

Journal #4

Part 1
Several of your classmates talked about "INTENT" and how if one is not intendig to cause harm then all should be forgiven. IMUS used the same word when he was apologizing for calling the Rutgers women's basketball players "Nappy Headed Hoes". [link] He stated that his intent was to be funny. At what point do we begin to hold people accountable for their actions despite what their intent may be. How does intent help or harm Race Relations at the U of I as well as in America in general?

Part 2
We'd like to hear about your perspectives on the Chief.
What is your perspective concerning the Chief?
What is your bottom line, in terms of how the issue has been handled? (How well has the Chief as the UofI mascot issue been addressed?)
What are the reasons you are using to come to this conclusion?
What do you know that leads you to believe your perspective is correct?
What in the assigned readings informs your thinking on this issue?

Include reference to one or more of the readings!

Remember to employ the question generation we've been talking about, and consider consulting the values exercise we did last class.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Hot Topic: Race Relations On Campus

Hot Topic "Race Relations on Campus"

Gmelch, Sharon. Racism in the colorblind academy.

Sorokin, E. Study rips college minority programs.

Texas Tech student announces "United White person's college fund."

Williams, Lena. Little things in the school: Why all the Black kids sit together.


Journal Assignment 3

Part 1
During the privilege walk exercise, how did it feel to take steps backward and forward? Did you want some of your steps to be bigger than others? How did it feel to think about these issues? Were you more privileged than you had assumed, if so what are your reactions to this?

Part 2
This week we will be discussing Race Relations on Campus, we would like for you to ellaborate on the following questions:

  • What is the state of race relations at the U of I? What data (sources) are you using to discuss race relations at the U of I?

  • Some of you have done a good job at talking about the readings in your journal but from this point foward we will be expecting you to supplement your thoughts with the readings for the week. How do the readings relate (theories, concepts, scenarios, etc...) to race relations on campus?